A new way of life on earth that lives in the soul













 Level 125 = Separate "deep sadness" 

Levels = 20-100 were in a state of self-destruction.
At level = 125 "desire", I got up from self-destruction and felt "deficiency" that the cause of self-destruction was something lacking, and to fill it up, the desire of "desire" sprouted. I will come.

Since the energy has begun to come out, the energy will come out.
In terms of energy, it has become more active.

"Desire" is also a manifestation, and I think that many people mistake it for the consciousness of power, but the consciousness is different.

The realization called "desire" is that its cause lies in "negative factors".
・ A feeling of lack that something is not satisfied.
・ I don't think this is possible yet.
・ I'm fighting someone.
・ I want to be recognized by someone.
The state in which this kind of consciousness is at the root and wants something is called "desire."

In this way, negative consciousness finds out the underlying "greed" and separates it.

① Write down everything you want that may be a "desire" for you.

② What do you want for each one? Ask your soul.
・ Why do you want it?
・ What are you planning to do with what you have gained?
・ Isn't it just that you want to be recognized by others?
・ Isn't it just that you want to win the battle?
・ Is it really necessary for me?
・ How long would you be satisfied?
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Etc.

As you listen, you may find that you don't need it. That is the answer of the soul.

[Distributing the "desire" that the soul wants and the "desire" that the soul does not want]
From what you want, what you want, and what you want, sort out the "desire" and the "desire" that your soul wants.

You will realize that the "desire" that the soul does not want is not necessary.

That is the graduation of "desire".