A new way of life on earth that lives in the soul


・弟は、家族がいるが、お嫁さんと母とが上手くいっていないので、 「一切この問題をうちに持ち込まないでくれ。」という。




父親 軽い 認知症 患う いる 病院 行かない
母親 父 面倒 見る 最近 内臓疾患 ある 気づく
入院 手術 医師 言う
母 父 心配 入院 する 悩む
父 面倒 誰 見る
弟 家族 いる お嫁さん 母 上手くいく ない
一切 問題 うち 持ち込まない 要求
私 家族 いる 子供 2人 犬 2匹 年老いた 犬 病気 通院 する
子供 男の子 2人 大学生 手伝う 気持ち ない
旦那 朝 早く 夜 遅く 仕事 する 話 する 時間 ない
母親 看護 自分 する ない
入院 費用 ガソリン 代金 どのくらい わからない
父親 面倒 見る 人 いない
協力者 誰 いない



なぜ、そう思うの? なぜ、そう感じるの?・・・・と自分に問いかけていきます。第三者の自分となって、自分自身に質問し、自分の潜在意識にある法則が何なのか?探っていきます。





 Separation of "parental long-term care problems" 

[STEP1 = Write down your worries and issues]

My house and my parents' house are 30 minutes apart by car.
・ I have a younger brother who is three years younger.
・ My father has mild dementia but does not want to go to the hospital.
・ Her mother was taking care of her father, but recently she was found to have a visceral disease and was told by a doctor to be hospitalized and operated on. Her mother is worried about her father, so she is worried about being hospitalized.
・ Who will take care of my father in the meantime?
・ My younger brother has a family, but his wife and mother are not doing well, so he says, "Don't bring this problem to us at all."
・ I also have a family. Two dogs for every two children. Recently, an old dog is sick and goes to the hospital.
・ The children are two boys and college students, and I have no desire to help.
・ My husband also works from early morning to late night and has no time to talk.
・ I have no choice but to take care of my mother.
・ I don't know how much it will cost, such as hospitalization fee and gasoline fee.
・ No one takes care of his father.
・ There is no collaborator.

[STEP2 = Sort the written sentences]
・ My house and my parents' house are 30 minutes apart by car.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Time issue
・ I have a younger brother who is three years younger.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ No problem
・ My father has mild dementia but does not want to go to the hospital.・ ・ ・ ・ Father's care problem ・ The mother was taking care of her father, but she recently noticed that she had a visceral disease.
The doctor told me to be hospitalized and have surgery.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ How to execute?
She is worried about being hospitalized because her mother is worried about her father.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Father's care problem
・ Who will take care of my father in the meantime?・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
・ My younger brother has a family, but his wife and mother are not doing well, so
"Don't bring this problem into us at all."・ ・ ・ ・ ・ How to divide the burden of two people
・ I also have a family.
・ Two dogs for every two children. Recently, an old dog is sick and goes to the hospital.・ ・ ・ ・ Time issue
・ The children are two boys and college students, and I have no desire to help.・ ・ ・ ・ Independence problem
・ My husband also works from early morning to late night and has no time to talk.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Independence problem
・ I have no choice but to take care of my mother. ······························Where until?
・ I don't know how much it will cost, such as hospitalization fee and gasoline fee.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Financial question
・ No one takes care of his father.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Father's care problem
・ There is no collaborator.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Human problems

Broadly speaking, " Time issues " and " "Human problems " are involved, " Financial problems " " "Independence problem" is hidden.
"Independence problem " ・ ・ ・ At this time, let the child become independent.
Let's have your husband become independent except for washing.
"Financial problems " ... Let's do what parents can do for themselves.
If you need to bear the burden, decide the ratio with your younger brother and bear it.
If you can't help, there is a solution with money.
"Father's care problem " ・ ・ ・ If you are hospitalized for a short period of time, let's talk about whether a short stay can cover it. ..
"Time issues " ・ ・ ・ Mother's hospitalization and dog going to the hospital.

Let's consider whether this alone will enable inpatient surgery for the mother.

[STEP3 = Separate into words]
Rewrite this sentence with a space for each word.

Father / Mild / Dementia / Affected / Yes / Hospital / Do not go Mother / Father / Take care / Look / Recently / Visceral disease / Are / Notice Hospitalization / Surgery / Doctor / Say Mother / Father / Worry / Hospitalization / Worry / Worry Father / Troublesome / Who / Look Younger brother / family / being / bride / mother / working / going / not No / problem / out of / do not bring in / request I / Family / I / Children / 2 people / Dog / 2 dogs / Elderly / I was / Dog / Illness / Outpatient / Children / Boys / 2 people / College students / Help / Feelings / No Husband / morning / early / night / late / work / work / Talk / talk / time / not Mother / Nursing / Self / Do / No Hospitalization / cost / Gasoline / price / how much / I don't know Father / Take care / Look / People / Not Cooperator / Who / No

...... When you put it into words, you lose all emotions. But I understand the meaning. This feeling is how you feel when you "separate".

If you still have problems with moyamoya, move on to the next step.

[STEP4 = Ask yourself]
The remaining moyamoya is in the subconscious. This time I will remove it.
Why do you think so Why do you feel that way? I will ask myself ... Be yourself as a third person, ask yourself, what is the law in your subconscious? I will explore.

<・ I have no choice but to take care of my mother.>
Q: Why do you think so?
Q: Is it no good to ask someone else?
Q: Feeling problem
Q: Money problem?
Q: ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
I will ask myself.
Then you will get your own answer.

You can see the subconscious law that you have created.
By realizing that the law is not really needed and removing it, consciousness is "separated".