A new way of life on earth that lives in the soul











  ① 安全な方法であること。(肉体面、精神面)
  ② 確実に魂とつながる方法であること。
  ③ 全世界の全人類に広めることが可能な方法であること。


 ・ 言葉の壁を超えることができるか?
 ・ 距離の壁を超えることができるか?
 ・ 貧富の差なく、平等にチャンスを与えることが可能か?
 ・ わかりやすく、簡単であること。


 ・ 特定の物質を必要としないこと。
 ・ 誰もが理解できる簡単な方法であること。
 ・ 一人でできること。
 ・ 経済的環境、時間的環境、職業的環境、宗教的環境、年令の違いなどの問題がないこと。



 ・ 物を使う ×
 ・ 本を買わないとわからない ×
 ・ セミナーで詳しく聞く必要がある ×
 ・ 修行を必要とする ×
 ・ 経済的に裕福じゃないとできない ×
 ・ お金で買える ×

 ・ 内緒でもできる 〇
 ・ 自分の都合の良い時間にできる 〇
 ・ 知性も教養も必要としない 〇
 ・ 間違った道に入る可能性がない 〇
 ・ 自律できる 〇

などなど・・・・・・・ 書ききれないくらい、沢山のチェックをしながら、その方法を30年探し続けていたのです。  それが私たちが探し求めてい「統合」の形 、「分離」だったのです。



 Why did you choose "separation"? 

[Finding a safe and reliable way for humankind to connect with the soul]
Our mission has been to tackle the challenge of "finding a safe and accurate way for humans to connect with the soul" for 30 years from 1991 to 2020, and regularly submit reports to space.

I don't know how many people around the world were on this mission, but I knew before that that I was chosen for something.

I didn't know the story of the dimensional movement of the earth at all, but I knew that connecting human beings and the soul was the ideal form as a human being, and how can I make it happen? I kept looking for it.
I remember the first time I submitted a report to space around 1992.

This mission ended in the summer of 2020, and I learned the results in the fall of 2020.

The conclusion that the universe made was a method called "integration."

I and Hitomi met after the mission and learned that they had the same mission and had been examining this issue from different positions for 30 years.
I think that many people who have not met yet were involved in this research.

"Integration" in "separation" was the result of Hitomi-chan's arrival, but I did not come to that conclusion. However, since I had been working on this issue for many years and shared the source, I was able to download all the meanings with just the word "integration".

I "integrated" at the end of this mission, but left about 10% unsublimated, so I experienced this "separation" after the integration, recorded the results, and told everyone. I will tell you how to do it. I'm like a record keeper.

[Conditions for integration method]
I thought that there were some conditions to realize "finding a safe and reliable way for humankind to connect with the soul."

  ① It must be a safe method. (Physical and mental)
  ② It must be a method that surely connects with the soul.
  ③ It must be a method that can be disseminated to all humankind in the world.

For ①②, find a way to do it! It is a premise because it is a mission, but the problem was ③.

 ・ Can you overcome the language barrier?
 ・ Can you overcome the distance barrier?
 ・ Is it possible to give equal chances regardless of the difference between rich and poor?
 ・ Easy to understand and easy.

For that,

 ・ Do not require a specific substance.
 ・ It should be an easy method that anyone can understand.
 ・ What you can do alone.
 ・ There are no problems such as economic environment, time environment, occupational environment, religious environment, and age difference.

I needed to find a way to solve these many challenges.

"For example"

 ・ Use things ×
 ・I don't know unless I buy a book ×
 ・ It is necessary to ask in detail at the seminar ×
 ・ Requires training ×
 ・ You can't do it unless you are financially wealthy ×
 ・ You can buy it with money ×

 ・ You can do it in secret 〇
 ・ You can do it at your own convenient time 〇
 ・ No need for intelligence or education 〇
 ・ There is no possibility of entering the wrong path 〇
 ・ Can be autonomous 〇

And so on ... & nbsp; I've been searching for a method for 30 years while doing so many checks that I couldn't write it. & nbsp; That's the form of "integration" we're looking for , It was "separation".

First of all, as the first step, I am distributing it worldwide on blogs and WEB as much as I can.

We hope that we can deliver it to many people beyond all barriers.