A new way of life on earth that lives in the soul













 A form of integration that does not require psychic powers  

[No psychic required]
"Separation" is a method of "integration" that does not require any psychic abilities.
Since psychic abilities often hinder the growth of the soul, it is the fastest way to "integrate" even for those with psychic abilities to "separate" as unconsciously as possible.

It does not deny psychic abilities. There are a few people who are effectively using it "via their own soul".
And as consciousness grows, everyone develops the natural abilities they need.

What happens if you have psychic powers? ]
When people see or hear from the outside, they are inevitably at the mercy of them.
Or, they tend to look at those who have such abilities as superior or inferior and depend on them.

However, many of them are in such a state before they reach their souls. They are just abilities and characteristics.

As a result, you forget to connect with your soul by being interested in outside information.
And we are in a situation where learning is not progressing at all.

[Existence that you can see and hear ...]
It's not that the existence of seeing and hearing is absolutely bad, but the problem is that it depends on the dimension of the information.

Human consciousness is a mechanism that can only obtain information in dimensions below the soul without going through the soul.

The information that many people see and hear is actually information that comes from a lower dimension than their own. It means that we receive information that is not very meaningful, evaluated as "Wow!".

The story is, "Then, connect to your soul first." The reality was that I was relying on others (outside) even though I had the ability to connect with my soul and receive information on anything.

[Do not use "integration" using psychic powers]
When we considered the "integration" method, we saw the reality of many.
Then, I came to the conclusion that the method of "integration" using psychic powers was "getting lost", "getting detoured", and "less certainty".