A new way of life on earth that lives in the soul





あなた 私 お父さん お母さん 隣のおじさん 学校の先生 郵便局の人 幼馴染の〇〇さん
駅員さん 掃除のおばさん 赤ちゃん 政治家 新聞屋さんetc.




机 雷 時計 電話 手紙 ポスト かばん ひげそり 指輪 自転車 虹 階段etc.




 Separation is the world of "al, al, existing"  

[A certain, al, existing world]
Separation is the world of "existing", "existing".
The universe is a world dotted with all possibilities.
Separation means being in the same state as the universe.

[Sample = person]
For example, in the case of a person ...

You, my father, mother, uncle next door, school teacher, post office person, childhood friend 〇〇
Station staff, cleaning lady, baby, politician, newspaper shop, etc.

Recognize with the sensation that "the person exists", with no likes or dislikes, no involvement or experience, except for status, fame, money, appearance, all conditions and related images. Is important.

[Sample = substance]
Speaking of substances ...

Desk, thunder, clock, telephone, letter, post, bag, shave, ring, bicycle, rainbow, stairs, etc.

There are no adjectives, no added value, no thoughts, no meaning, and the recognition that they just exist.

[Do not evaluate / associate / do not make sense]
Separation is a method of grasping everything as "is, al, exists" by "not giving evaluation or value", "not associating", and "not making sense".

[Grow a split brain]
I put a space between words, and this feeling is very similar to my feeling of consciousness after separation. With this feeling, you can get into the habit of receiving everything.