【キエーロ】 土を使った生ごみ処理の勧め


生ごみはなるべく細かく砕いて投入するのが基本ですが、冬場に分解が進まない場合は、「ミキサー」や「フードプロフェッサー」を使ってより細かく粉砕するのが一番の早道です。 もしも食べ残しや腐敗した食品も細かくしたいと思う場合は、生ごみ専用のものを用意しておくと良いでしょう。







[Kiero] Recommendation of kitchen waste disposal using soil
 Decomposition promotion technique in winter 

[Crush as finely as possible]
Basically, kitchen waste is crushed as finely as possible and thrown in, but if decomposition does not proceed in winter, the fastest way is to crush it more finely using a "mixer" or "food professor". If you want to make fine food leftovers or spoiled foods, it is a good idea to prepare something exclusively for kitchen waste.
This seems to be a technique that never fails with "Kiero".

[Collect kitchen waste, rot it, and bury it]
It is ◎ to bury kitchen waste every day, and it is not × to bury about one week's worth at once. <
Especially in winter, storing it indoors for a few days to promote rot will help it break down.
Rather than burying it in the cold outdoors every day, it is actually ◎ to store it in a container with a tight lid in a warm room, to promote the decomposition of kitchen waste, and then to touch the bacteria.

[Promote decomposition]
In winter, adding the rest of frying oil or rice bran will accelerate the decomposition so that the decomposition will proceed.
It is a technique to promote decomposition in the cold winter.

[Chiero perfect winning technique]
The winning technique that makes Chiero absolutely successful is to do all three at the same time.
The strongest when these three are combined!
After making any kitchen waste into a muddy semi-decomposed state, the last method is to ask Bacteria.
This is sure to win ♡