【キエーロ】 土を使った生ごみ処理の勧め









生ごみは、細かく砕いてあればあるほど、分解が早く進みます。 フードプロセッサーやミキサーで砕いた生ごみは、簡単に間違いなく短時間で分解されます。
「小さなコンテナ」+「フードプロセッサー」or「ミキサー」 ・・・・・このコンビに任せることにしましょう。


[Kiero] Recommendation of kitchen waste disposal using soil
 Estimated container size 

[Estimated container capacity]
This is just a guide, but ...
Family of one ... 15 liters Family of two ... 30 liters
Family of 3 ... 45 liters Family of 4 ... 60 liters
I think it would be good to prepare a container of this size and decompose the kitchen waste as much as it can be decomposed.

[Container size and amount of kitchen waste]
We ask bacteria living in the soil to decompose the kitchen waste. Therefore, the more soil there is for kitchen waste, the easier it will be to decompose. It means that you can leave the disposal of kitchen waste with confidence.
It takes courage to prepare a large container from the beginning, but in the end it seems to settle down with a large container.

[One way to make the container larger in stages]
(1) The trial is a small container that is close to you, and you will see it for the first time. See if you can do it.
(2) If you can trust that the kitchen waste will disappear and you can grasp the amount of kitchen waste in your house, make a full-scale container selection.

Ultimately, I feel that a container that can hold about 50 liters of soil is a family size that anyone can use with peace of mind.

[Depth of 30mm or more is recommended]
Insects come to the garbage when it smells. The way to shut out the odor is to cover the kitchen waste with plenty of dry soil.
Therefore, it is safe to have a margin in depth.

[It is recommended that the balcony has a depth of about 30 mm]
The depth of 30mm is the depth at which you can add kitchen waste and water to the soil and stir it well with a small shovel.
When you inhale water, the black soil becomes sticky and heavy.
I think it is this depth that a small shovel can be used by a woman to stir without difficulty.
Therefore, the just depth is about 30 mm.
In the open air, a large scoop and a generous depth of chiero are ideal.

[What to do if you can only prepare a small container? ]
For your convenience, you can only prepare a small container. I want to do it in this small size! If so, prepare a dedicated "food processor" or "mixer".
The finer the food waste, the faster it will decompose. Garbage crushed with a food processor or blender is easily and definitely decomposed in a short time.
"Small container" + "food processor" or "mixer" ... Let's leave it to this combination.