【キエーロ】 土を使った生ごみ処理の勧め


水分が多くて、柔らかい食品。 火を通した食品。 油、ソース、ドレッシング、ゆでた葉物野菜、コーヒーの粕、茶がら、食べ残し。




カボチャの種、桃の種、アボガドの種 梅干しの種 (埋めると芽が出てくるものもあります)



[Kiero] Recommendation of kitchen waste disposal using soil
Foods that are easily decomposed
     / foods that are difficult to decompose 

[Foods that can be decomposed in a short time]
Moist and soft food. Cooked food. Oil, sauce, dressing, boiled leafy vegetables, coffee grounds, tea leaves, leftover food.

[Foods that take time to decompose] <
Hard raw vegetables, potato, carrot and root vegetable skins, bamboo shoot skins, bean skins, kiwi skins, large leaves, dried leaves, etc.
For foods that take a long time to decompose, the decomposition time can be shortened by cutting them into small pieces and then putting them in a container.
Using a food processor is one way.

[Food that remains]
Pumpkin seeds, peach seeds, avocado seeds, pickled plum seeds (some buds come out when buried)
Egg shells, shells, crustacean shells such as shrimp and crabs, large meat and fish bones (it remains in the soil, so you can remove it by hand.)
Corn core, pineapple core (It takes time to chop finely, but it can be disassembled)

* Moldy foods can also be decomposed.